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Revision as of 16:51, 19 May 2011 by Plalloni (talk | contribs) (Added config for accessing mpeg streams)
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TP-Link SC3171 (Firmware LM.1.6.17)

- First Update the firmware

- Change Zoneminder Cam settings

   Remote Protocol: HTTP
   Remote Method: Simple
   Remote Host Name: x.x.x.x
   Remote Host Port: xx
   Remote Host Path: /video.mjpg

on web browser: http://<ip>:<port>/

Settings > BASIC > System > Initialize (Disable RTSP and Audio Codec)

Settings > BASCI > Network > UPnP (Enable and Turn on)

Getting MPEG streams from TL-SC3171/G

  • Enable RTSP in the camera (leaving the default RTSP port of 554, otherwise modify appropriately the following steps' URLs)
  • Point your monitor to an ffmpeg source to rtsp://<camera-ip>/video.mp4 to get the stream configured as the MPEG4 "Computer View" in your camera, so you must match width, height and color depth to that, or...
  • Point your monitor to an ffmpeg source to rtsp://<camera-ip>/video.3gp to get the stream configured as the MPEG4 "Mobile View" in your camera, so you must match width, height and color depth to that.

Tested working fine with audio codec enabled & disabled, with multicast streaming enabled & disabled, with viewer authentication enabled (put rtsp://<user>:<password>@<camera-ip>/... in above URLs) & disabled and with uPnP enabled & disabled.

In both cases worked fine over wifi at maximum resolutions and color depths allowed by the camera in each case (640x480x24bppx30fps, on fixed "excelent" quality on "Computer View"'s mp4 and 320x240x24bppx10fps, on fixed "excelent" quality on "Mobile View"'s 3gp streams).

The side effect is that MJPEG stream is disabled when you enable RTSP for accessing MPEG streams, so you can't do both at the same time.