How to export an event as video

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How to export an event as a video file

By default ZoneMinder saves events as a sequence of images. It is however possible to save an event as a video file. Caution is advised when converting events too video as it is very strenuous on the ZoneMinder machine, however once you have converted an event it can be viewed/downloaded any time without additional stress on the server.

  1. First, make sure you have OPT_FFMPEG under Options -> Images set to yes (checked).
  2. If necessary, set the proper full path for the ffmpeg executable in PATH_FFMPEG (ex.: /usr/bin/ffmpeg)
  3. Open up the default view for an event and Click the video link located in the top left corner
  4. Choose a video export file type and click generate.
  5. Download the video to your machine. If video files have already been generated you will see them listed at the bottom of the page.

When an event gets a video file encoded for it you can choose to automatically include that event with any future exports. For a more detailed explanation on how to select and export events investigate How to export download and view events