SV3C SV-D02POE-1080P
Resolution is 1920 x 1080
Settings that work are:
- Server: None
- Source Type: Ffmpeg
- Analysis FPS, Maximum FPS, Alarm Maximum FPS all blank.
- Source Path: rtsp://admin:<password>@x.x.x.x:554/11 where x.x.x.x is the IP address of your camera, and <password> is your camera's password
- Remote Method: TCP
- Options: (blank)
- Target colorspace: 24 bit color
- Capture width: 1920
- Capture height: 1080
Working date 2019/02. Zm 1.30.4 on GNU/Linux Debian Stretch.
Comments: Good daytime view, but very bad nighttime views. First reflections from IR leds, and only works in black and white at night, so have to leave it in BW all of the time.
SV3C SV-B01POE-1080P
Resolution is 1920x1080. SV3C provide instructions on using with ZoneMinder: How to add POE camera to zoneminder.
Settings that work are:
- Server: None
- Source Type: Ffmpeg
- Analysis FPS, Maximum FPS, Alarm Maximum FPS all blank. These were subsequently changed to 30 (with the camera set to 25) to overcome issues when the camera was powered off.
- Source Path: rtsp://x.x.x.x:554/11 where x.x.x.x is the IP address of your camera
- Target colorspace: 24 bit colour
- Capture width: 1920
- Capture height: 1080
SV3C SV-B01W-960P-HX
Resolution is 1280 x 960
Settings that work are:
- Server: None
- Source Type: Ffmpeg
- Analysis FPS 0, Maximum FPS 30, Alarm Maximum FPS 30.
- Source Path: rtsp://x.x.x.x:554/11 where x.x.x.x is the IP address of your camera
- Target colorspace: 32 bit color
- Capture width: 1280
- Capture height: 960
Resolution is 1280 x 720
Settings that work are:
- Server: None
- Source Type: Ffmpeg
- Analysis FPS 0, Maximum FPS 30, Alarm Maximum FPS 30.
- Source Path: rtsp://x.x.x.x:554/11 where x.x.x.x is the IP address of your camera
- Target colorspace: 32 bit color
- Capture width: 1280
- Capture height: 720
Making the suggestion that you log in to the camera. Navigate to Settings -> Network and set "RTSP Permission check" to "on". In this case, use rtsp://<user>:<password>@x.x.x.x:554/11 to your source replacing <user> and <password> with your log in credentials.
SV3C SV-B06POE-1080P-A
- Server: None
- Source Type: Ffmpeg
- Analysis FPS, Maximum FPS, Alarm Maximum FPS all blank.
- Source Path: rtsp://<username>:<password>@x.x.x.x:554/stream0 where x.x.x.x is the IP address of your camera
- Remote Method: RTP/RTSP
- Target colorspace: 24 bit color
- Capture width: 1920
- Capture height: 1080
- Server: None
- Source Type: Ffmpeg
- Analysis FPS, Maximum FPS, Alarm Maximum FPS all blank.
- Source Path: rtsp://<username>:<password>@x.x.x.x:554/stream0 where x.x.x.x is the IP address of your camera
- Remote Method: TCP
- Target colorspace: 24 bit color
- Capture width: 2592
- Capture height: 1944