Devuan 5 Daedalus with Zoneminder 1.36 from ZM Repo
Tested today with a migration from a fresh Raspbian Buster which was migrated to Beowulf. I did it a roundabout way, but users should be able to follow the same instructions for Ascii here: Devuan Ascii with Zoneminder 1.32.3 from ZM Repo, except substituting release-1.34 for release in the zmrepo apt sources list. Please refer to for more details.
Make sure to add in the /etc/init.d/zoneminder file.
Note: tested update from Devuan Jessie to Beowulf: 2020/06
This is a guide for a Sysvinit based Devuan / Debian system. Debian Stretch / Devuan Ascii and Zoneminder Stable 1.34 from the ZMRepo. 1.35 is unstable (odd number).
- Debian 10 | buster /sysvinit
- Devuan Beowulf
- Zoneminder 1.34
install mariadb, apache2, php based on:
apt-get install mariadb-server apache2 php7.3 libapache2-mod-php7.3
restart apache
service apache2 restart
Add zmrepo to /etc/apt/sources.list
deb buster/
NOTE: 1.34 is currently in release-1.34 folder on zmrepo. This is subject to change. Confirm it's there before installing.
NOTE: In order to make this guide, all the existing guides for Debian were parsed. (these names are changed periodically, so refer to Debian) etc...
apt-get update apt-get install apt-transport-https gnupg wget -O - | sudo apt-key add - apt-get update apt-get install zoneminder vlc-plugin-base php7.3-gd adduser www-data video apt-get install zoneminder a2enmod cgi a2enmod rewrite a2enconf zoneminder chmod 740 /etc/zm/zm.conf chown root:www-data /etc/zm/zm.conf mysql -uroot -p < /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_create.sql mysql -uroot -p -e "grant all on zm.* to 'zmuser'@localhost identified by 'zmpass';" mysqladmin -uroot -p reload
The call may fail during install of zoneminder. Run it manually to update the db.
Then apt should complete successfully. Some systemctl commands will fail, but these can be ignored for now.
may need to set timezone in /etc/php/7.3/apache2/php.ini (and In 1.34 in zm web console options)
e.g. date.timezone America/New_York
service apache2 restart
At this point, you will not have an /etc/init.d/ file for zoneminder
You must copy one from an existing install, or from 1.29 or 1.30.4. I'm going to put the init script from 1.30.4 in Zoneminder_Init_Script
after copying that in, and chmod +x /etc/init.d/zoneminder
zoneminder should start:
# service zoneminder start Starting ZoneMinder: 01/27/2020 12:27:42.776878 zmpkg[2722].INF [main:57] [Command: start] 01/27/2020 12:27:42.778627 zmpkg[2722].INF [main:305] [Sanity checking States table...] 01/27/2020 12:27:42.780839 zmpkg[2722].INF [main:97] [Command: start] 01/27/2020 12:27:44.231615 zmpkg[2722].INF [main:205] [Single server configuration detected. Starting up services.] success
double check by reviewing
ps auxw | grep zm
Now, navigate to the Apache server which hosts ZM gui at http://serverip/zm
Review syslog for any error messages.
Upgrading DB
NOTE: this covers DB upgrades only. Not upgrade steps. See install above for general upgrade.
If you are importing an existing db, now is a good time. Stop zm, and import the db.
service zoneminder stop
mysqldump -u root -p zm > dump.sql (export old db) mysql -uroot -p zm < dump.sql (import old db)
After this is done, you need to update the db
run this at least twice, as it tends to error out. If it's already updated, nothing new will happen.
you should see something like: Database upgrade to version 1.32.3 successful.
Then start zm
service zoneminder start
you might want to run to delete non existing events on the new install
- if apt-get fails db upgrade during install of zoneminder.
- You might have to install zoneminder again, instead of an update. Backup DB, and nothing will be lost.
- if localhost/zm says 'page not found' check /etc/apache/conf-available/ which points to /usr/share/zoneminder/www and which may not have the correct permissions (needs apache / www-data user) with 0755 / chown root:www-data
- also check that you enabled the conf in apache: a2enconf zoneminder