Foscam FI8921P
Foscam FI8921P Pan/Tilt Camera (s.b. FI9821P)
The Foscam FI9821P is a H.264 Pan/Tilt camera with a default resolution of 1280x720.
Connecting to the camera is via FFMpeg in Zoneminder, using the URL rtsp://UserName:Password@IP:88/videoMain, i.e.; rtsp://UserName:Password@ or rtsp://UserName:Password@ for 320x240 resolution to conserve bandwidth. I changed my camera from the default http port of port 88 to the normal default of port 80, the URL must be changed accordingly.
This camera uses the same firmware as many other Foscam cameras, which means one of the PTZ control scripts already included in ZoneMinder will likely work.
It appears that when one seeks the information for the Foscam FI9821P you only get detail for the FI89XX series
For the FI9821P the following HTTP settings work in Zoneminder 1.28.1
For Source type = Remote and using Remote Protocol "HTTP", Remote Method "Simple", Remote Host Name "IP of Cam, Remote Host "Port # of Cam" Then Remote Host Path is
Target Colorspace = 32 Bit colour
Capture Width = 1280
Capture Height = 720
Using FFMPEG appears to be alot more flexible when tweaking the camera's capture dimensions.
For the FI9821P the following FFMPEG settings work in Zoneminder 1.28.1
Source path rtsp://username:password2@IP of Cam:88/videoMain
Remote Method RTP/Unicast
Target Colorspace 32 Bit Colour
Capture Width 320 pixels
Capture Height 240 pixels
Foscam FI9821P
The following settings are from a github thread. I have tested them on my 1.29 install.
Remote Protocol = RTSP
Remote Method = RTP/RTSP
Remote Host Name = usernam:password@IP_ADDRESS
Remote Host Port = PORT_NUMBER (Default is 88)
Remote Host Path = /videoMain