Synectics E100

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Revision as of 10:23, 3 July 2014 by Kristof (talk | contribs)
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ZoneMinder seems to work with the Synectics E100 encoder.

The encoder supports two streams. The first one is at


and the second is at


To put these into ZoneMinder, add a monitor with:

 Source Type: Ffmpeg
 Source Path: rtsp://HOST:8554/01 (for the first stream)
 Capture Width: 720 (for D1 resolution)
 Capture Height: 576 (for D1 resolution)

Tip: to find the right width and height, open the stream URI in VLC and go to Tools > Codec Info.

On Ubuntu 11.10, it was necessary to install x264:

 sudo apt-get install x264

for H.264 support.

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