Ubuntu Server or Desktop Zoneminder 1.34.x

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Revision as of 13:41, 17 January 2020 by Bbunge (talk | contribs)
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Install Zoneminder 1.34.x on Ubuntu 18.04 with shell script

This will install Zoneminder 1.34.x by using a shell script with one basic command (how easy is that!).

You will need a Ubuntu 18.04 install with LAMP (Apache, MySQL and PHP) installed desktop or server. As an alternate you may use Mariadb in lieu of MySQL

Shell script file contents:

read -p "This script installs Zoneminder 1.34.x on Ubuntu 18.04 with LAMP (MySQL or Mariadb) installed...
Press Enter to continue or Ctrl + c to quit" nothing
read -p "You must be logged in as root using sudo su ...
Press Enter to continue or Ctrl + c to quit" nothing
read -p "Next we will add the PPA repository, install and configure the system to run Zoneminder. 
Press enter to continue" nothing
apt install -y software-properties-common
add-apt-repository ppa:iconnor/zoneminder-1.34
apt update
apt install -y zoneminder
systemctl enable zoneminder
service zoneminder start
adduser www-data video
a2enconf zoneminder
a2enmod rewrite
chown -R www-data:www-data /usr/share/zoneminder/
service apache2 reload
read -p "Install complete. Open Zoneminder/Options and set the timezine. Press enter to continue" nothing

Copy the contents of the script, open a terminal and run:

nano zm-install

Paste the contents of the script into Nano


Ctrl + o Ctrl + x

Next run:

chmod 755 zm-install

Start the script by entering:


Follow the prompts. Things are pretty simple. The timezone is now set in Zoneminder/Options.

Good Luck!