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This is a WLAN Megapixel Kamera which works very well with Linux and ZM. See the German Amazon Product Description and also ABUS product info.

The camera supports MPEG-4 and H.264 streams, ZM 1.24.2 supports only the MPEG-4 stream and dies on the H.264 stream (but this might be an ffmpeg issue). Of course also the MJPEG and JPEG variants can be used but require a much higher bandwith. With MPEG-4 you get a very good quality stream (1280x1024@15) with a bandwith 6MBit/s which is also no problem over WLAN.

The camera is very Linux compatible, only the alarm zone configuration for the camera-internal motion detection requires IE. Since I use ZM I do not use this feature at all, everything else is Firefox compatible. The wealth of settable options shows that this camera belongs to the semi-professional market and is well above the typical Chinese cheapomatic camera.

Streaming source is rtsp://<camera>:554/video.mp4 and one must set the picture size to 1280x1024. I disabled the authentication for the video stream at the camera.

There are also other models which lack some or all of WLAN, IR, Megapixel features. These should also be compatibel but I did not test them.


Otherwise known as a "IR 720p Network Compact Camera". A wired IP camera with infrared. Does have the ablity to register colors, but only in very bright situations. Monochrome performance is very good in low light situations, due to the IR LEDs at the front.

Very Linux compatible. Uses standard HTTP/HTTPS, no ActiveX. Shows the image feed as a fast paced JPEG slideshow.

Product information and downloads: Abus product webpage

The camera supports MJPEG, MPEG4, 3GPP and H.264, but MJPEG is the best option because Zoneminder v1.30.4 converts everything in single JPEG files except for MJPEG.

Streaming source for MJPEG without authentication is: rtsp://<camera>:554/video.mjpg, with authentication it's: rtsp://user:password@cameraip:554/video.mjpg

Other settings:

Source type: ffmpeg, resolution 1280x720

To use another format just replace "video.mjpg" with one of these below:

h.264 video.h264

MPEG4 video.mp4

MJPEG video.mjpg

3GPP video.3gp

It also does offer a syslog option (but no SNMP), which works fine with LibreNMS (version 1.35-134-gddc40fc). Just add the camera to the syslog server and (toggle the SNMP option to "off" when adding it on LibreNMS, otherwise LibreNMS won't add the camera), and set the camera to send the logs to the syslog servers hostname/IP.

After a factory reset it will retrieve it's IP address over DHCP. The default login is admin/12345. The default admin user can't be disabled, nor edited. Password can be changed though, to apparently a max of 16 characters. It's possible to add a new user, with read only/operator/admin permissions.


A wired VGA Network Compact Camera. Records in color, but the environment should be quite bright.

Not very Linux compatible. Needs IE, in compatibility mode. After a factory reset it sometimes defaults to port 10000 for the web UI. Port 443 is not the HTTPS part of the web UI. The default HTTP port can be changed though.

There's apparently only support for a authenticated MJPEG RTSP stream. rtsp://user:password@cameraip:554/video.mjpg

Resolution: 640x480

After a factory reset it will retrieve it's IP address over DHCP. The default login is admin/12345. The default admin user can't be disabled, nor edited. Password can be changed though, to apparently a max of 16 characters. It's possible to add a new user, with read only/operator/admin permissions.