AirLive AirCam OD325HD
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The AirLive AirCam OD-325HD POE camera seems to work fine with these monitor settings:
Getting streams in HTTP
- Source Type: Remote
- Remote Protocol: HTTP
- Remote Method: Simple
- Remote Host Name (example): zoneminder:MYPASSWORD@
- Remote Host Port: 80
- Remote Host Path: mjpg/video.cgi?0.mjpg
- Target Colorspace: 24 bit color
- Capture Width (pixels): 1280
- Capture Height (pixels): 1024
Getting streams in RTSP
Point your monitor to a ffmpeg source to rtsp://<username>:<password>@<camera-ip>/media.amp?videocodec=<codec>&resolution=<res>&compression=<percent>&fps=<frames>&videokeyframeinterval=<interval>&videobitrate=<rate> to get the stream. There is no need to pass all parameters.
- codec: h264, mpeg4, mjpeg.
- res: sxga, vga, qvga, qqvga (codec dependent).
- percent: 1 - 100.
- frames: 1 - 30 (resolution dependent).
- interval: 1 - 60.
- rate: 32 - 4096 (resolution dependent).
- rtsp://
- rtsp://admin:airlive@
You cannot get all resolution with all codec, for example to get SXGA you have to use H264 or MJPEG. For more information access the camera with a browser and go to Video Profiles under Video option.