Foscam FHD1080p G2EP
This webcam Foscam FHD1080p G2EP require windows or MacOS to access the configuration webpage. Once it is done, you can read the Mjpeg flux on linx. First, you need to configure the flux by using a browser (ie firefox), of course adapt ip address, port, username and password to youe situation http://ipaddress:port/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=setSubStreamFormat&format=1&usr=username&pwd=password
then, you can check if you can read the flux http://ipaddress:port/cgi-bin/CGIStream.cgi?cmd=GetMJStream&usr=username&pwd=password
in ZM, you need to configure as this in source HTTP simple port : 80 path: /cgi-bin/CGIStream.cgi?cmd=GetMJStream&usr=username&pwd=password 32 b 640 x 480
It is a VGA size, with an HD cam. There is for sure an other solution, please add it if you succeed to have HD images