How to setup H.264 streaming with Ffmpeg monitor from an Axis M7001 video encoder
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--stagecoach 22:02, 20 November 2010 (UTC)
We have H.264 video recording from an Axis M7001 network video encoder working on multiple video recording servers. The servers are deployed in outdoor, high traffic environments within air-conditioned enclosures. Use of h264 for video has several advantages:
- Low Delay. Often the timestamps between camera and ZoneMinder can be fairly separated in other modes.
- ZMA processes appear to be more stable. ZMA processes have had stability issues on some machines in other modes.
- Less Load. H264 streams put less load on the system, which is great for low power systems.
- Little change in image quality. Various settings allow optimizing images.
- Consistent/ smooth video. Events are complete and without jumping in video.
In order to get this functioning properly, we set up these machines with the most recent revision of x264 and ffmpeg (Nov 17, 2010). ZoneMinder is also from SVN in these installs though not always the same revision. Next we used Ffmpeg mode as the source and the url rtsp://ip:554/axis-media/media.amp
as the path. On the more powerful of our machines we ran at 5 fps, the others lower. Our cameras are in Modect mode and detect motion properly and consistently.
Some other notes:
- Be sure the rtsp server is enabled on the camera.
- Be sure settings are optimized and consistent between the camera and ZoneMinder