How to setup MPEG-4 (part 2) streaming with RTP/RTSP monitor from an Axis 225FD camera
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--stagecoach 22:47, 20 November 2010 (UTC)
We have MPEG-4 (part 2) video working on various video recording servers out in the field. The servers are in outdoor, high traffic areas in air conditioned enclosures. MPEG-4 offers similar advantages to the other video modes, including:
- Low Delay. Often the timestamps between camera and ZoneMinder can be fairly separated in other modes.
- ZMA processes appear to be more stable. ZMA processes have had stability issues on some machines in other modes.
- Less Load. mpeg4 streams put less load on the system, which is great for low power systems.
- Little change in image quality. Various settings allow optimizing images.
- Consistent/smooth video. Events are complete and without jumping in video.
Mpeg4 has worked properly in previous revisions, but our machines all have very recent revisions of ffmpeg and ZoneMinder. The monitors are Modect, and they are on a LAN connection. We set the source to 'remote' and filled in settings:
- Protocol: rtsp.
- Remote method: RTP/RTSP. See below for some notes on this setting.
- Remote Host Name: camera url/path
- Port: 554
- Remote Host Path: /mpeg4/media.amp . for axis 225fd and 241s.
The remote method setting works on all 4 settings, but you must be sure that you choose the one best for your situation. Unicast uses udp, rtp/rtsp uses tcp and transports over rtsp port, and rtp/rtsp/http does the same but over the http port. If using the http option you should use your camera's http port.
As with other video modes, be sure that the camera's rtsp server is enabled and that the settings between ZoneMinder and the camera are optimized and consistent.