Install MySQL 5.6 on Debian Jessie

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Install MySQL 5.6 on Debian Jessie and set up for Zoneminder

Download the MySQL APT repository config tool (you can see more details here:

For Debian 8 (make sure you are logged in as root):


Install the MySQL APT repository config tool

dpkg -i mysql-apt-config_0.3.5-1debian8_all.deb

You will be asked to select product and version that you want to install. In the first step, select Server and next select mysql-5.6. Then click Apply.

Update APT

apt-get update

Install the server

apt-get install mysql-community-server

(the procedure above is from:

Edit the my.cnf file

nano /usr/my.cnf

locate and change to: sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION

Ctrl+o Enter to save CTRL+x to exit

Install PHP

apt-get install php5 php-pear php5-mysql

Return to the Zoneminder Install and continue with adding the Jessie Backports